What it Means to be Human:
Implications for Public Policy & Bioethics
O. Carter Snead
Professor of Law & Political Science
Director of the DeNicola Center for Ethics & Culture
The University of Notre Dame
Why Anthropology Matters
Carter Snead. What it means to be human: The case for the body in public bioethics. Harvard University Press, October 13, 2020
Robert Bellah et al. Habits of the Heart: Individualism & Commitment in American Life. University of California Press, 2007
James Mumford. Bioethics of the strong. The New Atlantis. Winter 2021
John Evans. The social context of religion in the jurisdictions of bioethics. American Journal of Bioethics, November 2020, pages 1-4
David Yamane. Introduction: "Habits of the Heart" at 20. Sociology of Religion, 2007
David S. Lutz. An historical conversation: Four political scientists review "Habits of the Heart" by Robert Bellah et al. Journal of Politics, August 1986.
John Paul II. The Gospel of Life. March 25, 1995
Salvatore J. Cordileone. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. May 1, 2021
Phil Van Stockum. A detailed synopsis of Peter Singer's Practical Ethics. Ab Initio, June 10, 2018
Guttmacher Institute. Fact Sheet: Induced Abortion in the United States. September 2019
Lisa Harris, Second trimester abortion provision: Breaking the silence and changing the discourse. Reproductive Health Matters, 2008
Katie Watson. Abortion as a moral good. The Lancet, March 23, 2019
Adolfo Castañeda. What is the theology of the body? Human Life international, October 9, 2020
Anthropology of Abortion Rights
Assisted Reproductive technology
Editorial. The alarming rise of complex genetic testing in human embryo selection. Nature, March 24, 2022
Pasquale Patrizio et al. The changing world of IVF: the pros and cons of new business models offering assisted reproductive technologies. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. January 20, 2022
Assisted reproductive technology global market report. Business Wire, February 8, 2022
Michael Cook. Ukraine's surrogacy hatchery. MercatorNet, May 15, 2020
Kristin Collier. The Theobiology of a Mother's Voice. Church Life Journal. March 3, 2020
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Instruction Dignitas personae on certain bioethical questions, June 20, 2008
Brendan Foht. While Bioethics Fiddles. The New Atlantis. Winter 2019
Public Bioethics & the End of Life
Lydia Dugdale. The Lost Art of Dying: Recovering Lost Wisdom. HarperOne, 2020
Jose A. Bufill. A short history of voluntary death. MercatorNet, May 21, 2008
Herbert Hendin & Kathleen Foley. Physician-assisted suicide in Oregon: A medical perspective. Michigan Law Review, June, 2008, pages1613-1640.
YouTube video of Sam Keen on Ernest Becker.
Sam Keen. The Heroics of Everyday Life: A Conversation with Ernest Becker, In Voices & Visions, 1974, pages 175-198.
Lydia Dugdale et al. Pros and cons of physician aid in dying. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 2019, 92: 747-750
Sheldon Solomon. Humanity at the crossroads. TEDxSkidmore College, 2015
O. Carter Snead. The Anthropology of Expressive Individualism. Church Life Journal, December 1, 2020