natural law
what it is. what it isn't. why it still matters.
A Conversation with Santiago Legarre
February 9, 2024
Natural law - the proposition that there exist a set of inherent, objective, and universal principles that govern human behavior, discoverable through reason and derived from the nature of human beings and the world - is a philosophical tradition with roots in pre-Christian Antiquity. In legal practice, natural law theory holds that certain moral values and ethical norms are fixed in nature, and not dependent on human-made laws or cultural conventions. Laws should help human beings attain their natural end: the human good of happiness. For natural law advocates, there must be a connection between law and morality for individuals and society to flourish.
Until recently, natural law served for millennia as a durable foundation of legal theory and practice, with variations introduced first by Christian scholars and later by secular thinkers who shared basic philosophical presuppositions. More recently, the premises of natural law have been eroded in favor of "positivist" jurisprudence, whereby laws depend only on social consensus, independent of nature, morality or virtue. Laws are simply man-made rules intended to organize the proper functioning of society. They are valid insofar as they are enacted or recognized by a legally constituted authority or political institution. They are malleable based on practical needs and contexts. While natural law is universally applicable, positive law applies only to persons who are citizens of the government that creates the law.
Professor Legarre will trace the development of natural law tradition beginning with "classical" natural law of Aristotelian and Stoic philosophers, through the "religious" natural law of Catholic Christian philosophers and jurists and their modern secular counterparts, and finally, we will consider the erosion of natural law theory in the face of the legal positivism prevalent in contemporary jurisprudence. Professor Legarre will also offer arguments in favor of a recovery of natural law principles.

Santiago Legarre
Santiago Legarre is an Argentine public intellectual, law professor and natural law scholar.
He received his law degree in 1992 in Argentina, and then clerked for the Argentine Supreme Court. He also holds a PhD in political science from Universidad de Buenos Aires, and earned a Master of Studies in Legal Research from Oxford University, under the tutelage of the natural law scholar, John Finnis. While at Oxford he wrote a dissertation entitled "The Historical Background of the Police Power", published in 2007 by the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law.
He began his academic career in 1995, teaching law at Universidad Austral, and since 2007 at the Universidad Catolica de Argentina. He is an independent researcher at CONICET, the Argentine National Council for Research. He has written regularly for La Nación, a leading Argentine media outlet.
Legarre's academic interests include constitutional law and jurisprudence. His work has been published by major legal journals including the American Journal of Jurisprudence, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Jurisprudence: an International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, Louisiana Law Review, Tulane Law Review, Loyola Law Review, Journal of Civil Law Studies, Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law, Chinese Journal of International Law, and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Journal of Law and Society. He also teaches a workshop on creative writing for law students.
He has lectured widely at US and international law schools on topics related to natural law, constitutional studies and comparative constitutional law.
Santiago Legarre. A new natural law reading of the constitution. Louisiana Law Review, 2017-2018
Santiago Legarre. Derivation of positive law from natural law revisited. American Journal of Jurisprudence, 2012
Santiago Legarre. HLA Hart and the making of the new natural law theory. Jurisprudence, 2017
Phillipe Nonet. What is positive law? The Yale Law Journal, 1990
Mark C. Murphy. Natural law jurisprudence. Legal Theory, 2003
Alf Ross. Validity and the Conflict between Legal Positivism and Natural Law, in Stanley L. Paulson (ed), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes, Oxford Academic, 2012
Philip Soper. In Defense of Classical Natural Law in Legal Theory: Why Unjust Law is No Law at All. Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Philip Soper. Making Sense of Modern Jurisprudence: The Paradox of Positivism and the Challenge for Natural Law. Creighton Law Review, 1988
Philip Soper. Choosing a legal theory on moral grounds. Social Philosophy and Policy, 2009
Philip Soper. The Ethics of Deference: Learning from Law's Morals. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law, 2002
Philip Soper. Some natural confusions about natural law. Michigan Law Review, 1992
John M. Finnis. Philosophy of Law: Introduction. University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series, May 2011
John M. Finnis. Natural law: Practical reason and creative information. Notre Dame Law School Legal Studies Research Paper, no. 191106
Note. Justice Breyer: The Court's last natural lawyer? Harvard Law Review, March 2023
Ralph McInerny. The principles of natural law. American Journal of Jurisprudence, 1980
John M. Finnis & Germain Grisez, The Basic Principles of Natural Law: A Reply to Ralph McInerny, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 1981.
Brian Bix. On the Dividing Line between Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism. Notre Dame Law Review, volume 75 (5), August 2001
David Novak. Does natural law need theology? First Things, November 2019
Kent Greenawalt. The natural duty to obey the law. Michigan Law Review, 1985
William H. Rooney. Why did american lawyers abandon natural law? First Things, October 2022
Robert P. George. Natural law. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2008